.. pyexpander documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Oct 12 15:41:21 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. image:: logo_hzb_big.png :align: right :target: http://www.helmholtz-berlin.de ====================================== Welcome to pyexpander's documentation! ====================================== pyexpander - a powerful turing complete macro processor ======================================================= pyexpander is a macro processor that allows to embed python code in text files. Some of the features are: - Variables like ``$(VAR)`` are replaced. - Valid python expressions like ``$(2+3/2)`` are evaluated. - Arbitrary python code like in ``$py(import math; math.pi)`` can be executed. - The functionality is available as a script and a python library. - The program is availiable for python version 3. See :doc:`introduction` for more information. :Author: Goetz Pfeiffer (Goetz.Pfeiffer@helmholtz-berlin.de, goetzpf@googlemail.com) Documentation ============= Introduction ------------ This gives a first impression on pyexpander's capabilities: :doc:`Introduction to pyexpander ` Reference documents ------------------- This is the reference of the pyexpander language: :doc:`pyexpander reference ` Full list of documents ---------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 introduction reference-expander epics-support python3 expander-options msi2pyexpander-options pyexpander-install source-code-documentation license License and copyright ===================== Copyright (c) 2023 by `Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin `_. This software of this project can be used under GPL v.3, see :doc:`license`. Download and install ==================== By using `pip `_, installing pyexpander is a single line command. This and other installation methods are described in :doc:`Installing pyexpander ` pyexpander at sourceforge ========================= You find the sourceforge summary page for pyexpander at `pyexpander `_. The source ========== You can browse the mercurial repository here: `repository at Sourceforge `_. or clone it with this command: Sourceforge:: hg clone http://hg.code.sf.net/p/pyexpander/code pyexpander-code You can then commit changes in your own repository copy. If you plan to share these changes you can create a mercurial `bundle `_ and send it to my e-mail address. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`